Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Marcus Mosiah Garvey :: rastafarianism, reggae music
Marcus Mosiah Garvey was an amazing dark progressive and race pioneer who impacted a considerable number individuals in his time and keeps on doing as such through reggae music. A large number of Marcus Garvey's exercises and standards have discovered a voice in the verses of cognizant reggae artists at various times. From globally celebrated performers, for example, Bob Marley and Burning Spear, to the music and expressions of The Rastafari Elders, reggae artists have discovered motivation in Marcus Garvey. For some reggae artists, their work is about more than music, it is an apparatus for showing the majority. Dwindle Tosh at a show in California explained to the crowd the motivation behind why he was there.Don't think I come here for diversion. I and I come to streak helping, seismic tremor, and roar in these spots of obliteration and unrighteousness.2 Tosh and numerous artists like him are taking reggae to a more significant level, one where the artists are prophets of Garvey and Rasta. A great part of the lessons of reggae depend on a Rastafarian view, as this is the religion of a significant number of the cognizant reggae artists that lecture the Garvey message. Rastafarianism owes a great deal to Marcus Garvey, as he is credited as the organizer. The religion was conceived on the wordsLook to Africa for the delegated of a Black king.3 They paused and in 1930, the prediction was satisfied when, Ras Tafari Mekonnen was delegated head of Ethiopia and took the name Haile Selassie. Working from the book of scriptures and their own translations of it, the Rastafarians discovered proof to help their case and a religion was conceived. Marcus Garvey is viewed as a feature of the Rastafari Trinity, andis second just to Haile Selassie,4 the Rastafari God. In the case of singing straightforwardly about Marcus Mosiah Garvey, or about Rastafarianism, reggae performers are assisting with spreading the lessons of this dark prophet and progressive to a huge number of music audience members everywhere throughout the world. Marcus Garvey was conceived in 1887 in the St. Ann's Parish in Jamaica. He originated from a huge, poor family and because of absence of cash, when he was fourteen Garvey left school and turned into a printer's student. By the age of eighteen he had become an ace printer. Garvey had consistently been a snappy student and when he turned into the foreman of a printing organization in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica,he proceeded with his training by perusing broadly, exploiting the organization library.5 However, Marcus Garvey's political sentiments before long disrupted everything when the laborers took to the streets in 1909.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Benefits of Television
The Benefits of Television TV is a piece of the American culture. It benefits individuals from various perspectives. Numerous individuals utilize the TV as a city hall leader part of data. TV is valuable since it gives news, amusement and education.News is the primary gainful part of TV. For instance, individuals today need to watch the news to monitor what's going on with the war in Iraq. Additionally, news gives data on climate, wrongdoing and numerous different news that are happening the world over. Another model is that news gives individuals data on school closings and traffic before the person in question might need to go out. These are a few reasons why news on TV are beneficial.Entertainment is the second motivation behind why TV is helpful. Amusement removes people groups minds from the awful circumstances that could be happening in consistently life. On the article Companion or enemy? The faction of tivo Cometh, Warren st John says that individuals that utilization the gadget called tivo is a divine beings machine(1).Community Educational Television
Monday, July 27, 2020
A New Generation of Native American Writers Critical Linking, February 26
A New Generation of Native American Writers Critical Linking, February 26 Sponsored by Everything is Horrible and Wonderful by Stephanie Wittels Wachs Terese Marie Mailhot, whose new memoir, Heart Berries, came out this month, hates “poet voice.†If you’ve ever been to a poetry reading, or attended a creative writing class, or even just listened to Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac on the radio, you know what she’s talking about. Poet voice is sincere yet disaffected, a droning melody of self-importance. It is the standard, emulated by thousands of poets, essayists, and fiction writers, popularized and codified by creative writing programs across the nation. And like so many of those programs, it is extremely white. In this way, it’s a tidy metaphor for the way whiteness â€" and expectations for what writing should sound like â€" still dominates the writing world. This is an excellent profile of two new Native American authors. Go buy their books! Cooks, cookbook lovers, food enthusiasts, and food eaters, gather ‘round! The Piglet Tournament of Cookbooks is ready to rumble. Below, you’ll find our list of the 16 cookbooks that absolutely knocked our socks off in 2017, as well as the judges who will be vetting them. From now through April, these books will be going head-to-head in what promises to be an intense competition. A cookbook tournament! I never read text that addressed [depression] in my community. There was never a character that I could point to and say that was someone who is experiencing this condition. I wanted it to be healing for girls of color because it is normal to experience depression. And [I want them to know] that there is help. Latina teens have really high suicide rates and no one ever talks about it. I wanted to bring attention to that issue. Another great author profile, this time of Erika L. Sánchez. Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Cruel and Inhuman Treatment of Native Americans by the...
The process of assimilation, as it regards to the Native Americans, into European American society took a dreaded and long nearly 300 years. Initially, when the European’s came to the hopeful and promising land of the â€Å"New World†, they had no desire or reason anything but minimal contact with the Indians. However, starting in the 1700s the European colonists population skyrocketed. The need for more resources became evident and the colonists knew they could attain these necessities by creating a relationship of mutual benefit with the Native tribes. The Indians, at first skeptical, however became growingly open to the colonists and the relationship they were looking to attain. Indian furs were traded for colonial goods and military†¦show more content†¦This act authorized the President of the United States the power to relocate all tribes to the west side of the Mississippi River. This became known as the Trail of Tears, a brutal and devastating 1200-mile journey west. The Trail of Tears was filled with death and tragedy for the Indians tribes. Heavy rains caused them to have to drag wagons through thick mud, the food was of low quality and in low supply and disease and illness spread quickly. Death was a daily occurrence on this journey. I simply cannot imagine being kicked out of my home, but also having to leave behind a deceased loved one or family member on the side of the road. All of this was done because the European Americans needed more land. However after years of relocation of the Natives, the inevitable happened, there was no more land to be ceased. What were the European Americans to do now? In their opinion they only had one option, assimilation. It is very clear that the European American’s idea of assimilation was much different than that of the Natives. The Indian tribes were all civilized in their own unique ways. Each individual tribe had their own form of religion, currency and even government. The Cherokee Indians even created their own Constitution and laws. â€Å"We, the representatives of the people of the CherokeeShow MoreRelatedOn The Run By Alice Goffman1336 Words  | 6 Pagesdisproportionately targeted for arrest to fill quotas, this constant behavior and events deemed as a norm (either little children have made a game of cops catching and being overly aggressive to Black boys), hinders their process at advancing within American society. Systematic oppression against a minority group slows and puts racial tension progress at a standstill as they are continued victims of larger forces. What truly works against them once locked up and released, is when they were not givenRead MoreOn The Run By Alice Go ffman1718 Words  | 7 Pagesdisproportionately targeted for arrest to fill quotas, this constant behavior and events deemed as a norm (even little children play a game about cops catching and being overly aggressive to Black boys), hinders their process at advancing within American society. Systematic oppression against a minority group slows and puts racial tension progress at a standstill, as they are continued victims of larger forces. What truly works against them once locked up and released, is that they were not givenRead MoreRacial Profiling in the US3466 Words  | 14 Pagesimage in the eyes of the majority. It is due to this reason that racial profiling in the media is a big concern (Hanes Gale, 2005). Problem Statement Racial profiling in the media is problematic since it leads to biases and stereotypes in the American culture. Constant depiction of such stereotypic behavior in the media reinforces such false perceptions in the viewers eyes. According to one study concerning this issue states that stereotypic images of Blacks depicted as criminals is very strong
Saturday, May 9, 2020
My Career Goals My Mother And My Jamaican Upbringing Essay
When I read the question â€Å"what has brought you to where you are now?†the first two things that came to mind were my mom and my Jamaican upbringing. Throughout my life, my mother, a single parent, has been dedicated, determined, and courageous, and I have tried to develop the characteristics that she embodies. In the same way, my upbringing has pushed me to strive for excellence and has influenced my academic and future aspirations. My ultimate career goals are to become a general surgeon who does clinical and community-based research and to serve the community. As I look back to where I have been, there are many challenges I had to overcome whether it’s providing alternatives to my family’s financial circumstances, overcoming the death of a very close friend in college, medical problems, or negative feedback from others. From my experiences, the ability to succeed in life has developed a much stronger meaning. I feel I have to work twice as hard as others s o I can avoid previous hardships or financial struggles. At a very young age, my mother instilled the importance of getting an education, protecting and following my dreams, and making use of opportunities that are presented before me. The hardships (i.e. financial and health related) that my family and I encountered while I was younger are similar hardships that I see in nearby communities. I see families struggle from paycheck to paycheck, teenage pregnancy, gang and drug violence, high incarceration rate,Show MoreRelatedCollege Is The End Goal Of A High Standard Individual Essay1221 Words  | 5 Pagesnegative. College is the end goal of a high standard individual who wants to succeed in life and get a good job, according to society. There are certain factors that could influence the average person to go and not go to college, the extent of skills and experience, standard benefits, wages and stability . In my personal experience-- as a high school senior, family s experience, college attenders experience, and my personal life interest and options of my interest are my reasons for attending collegeRead MoreBob Marley’s Spiritual Rhetoric, the Spread of Jamaican Culture and Rastafarianism6348 Words  | 26 PagesSpiritual Rhetoric, the Spread of Jamaican Culture and Rastafarianism By Mark Haner Senior Seminar: Hst 499 Professor John L. Rector Western Oregon University June 16, 2007 Readers Professor John L. Rector Professor Kimberly Jensen Copyright  © Mark Haner, 2007 The spread of Jamaican culture and Rastafarianism can be accredited to many events and technical advances in communication. Bob Marley is one of the main influences the spread of Jamaican culture and Rastafarianism due toRead MoreEssay on Religious Justifications of Slavery in the Caribbean3525 Words  | 15 PagesChristian faith, and grossly illuminates the corruption of Christianity at the hands of the planters. During slavery many families were separated: fathers, mothers and children were attached to different plantations with the result that some never saw their family members again. The responsibility of bringing up the children rested primarily with the mothers and grandmothers. This situation gave rise to a matriarchal type of family which is still common in the Caribbean today. Formerly slaves had little
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Impact Does Tourism Have in Coastal Areas in Spain Free Essays
string(124) " Regarding multinational food chains, McDonalds for example, are global and put an end to the unique quality of a location\." Impacts of mass tourism in coastal areas of Spain| | Sabine Alma 213772 Group TTM1M | | 2012 2012 Table of Contents Declaration 3 Introduction 5 What is mass tourism and how did tourism develop in Spain? 5 What are the cultural and social impacts of tourism in the coastal areas in Spain? 6 What impact does mass tourism have on the economy and environment in Spain? 7 Conclusion 9 Grading sheet10 Reference list12 Declaration I declare that: * I composed this work This work has not been accepted in any previous application for a degree or diploma by me or anyone else * All sources of my information have been acknowledged Date: Name: Signature: Word Count: â€Å"What impact does tourism have in coastal areas in Spain, since late 1950’s†? Introduction According to Bramwell (2004) a third of the income of the Mediterranean comes from the tourism sector, as tourism is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of Spain. Nowadays, tourism is indispensable. This paper focuses on t he impact that mass tourism has on the coastal areas in Spain. We will write a custom essay sample on What Impact Does Tourism Have in Coastal Areas in Spain or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bramwell (2004) states that since 1960, there has been a major growth in the tourism sector. Tourists who go to Spain especially travel to the Spanish coasts. In addition, the author argues that tourism has an impact on these areas and this paper will analyse impacts on the coastal areas. First, mass tourism will be defined and discussed, as it is very important to know what it means in order to understand the topic. Secondly, the cultural and social impacts of mass tourism in the Spanish coast are stated. Lastly, the outcomes of the research will be explained in the conclusion. What is mass tourism and how did tourism develop in Spain? According to Wahab and Pigram (1997) mass tourism consists of three basic elements which concerns mainly cooperative group of travelling, cooperative accommodation and mindful integration of the holiday maker in a group of travellers (Wahab Pigram, 1997). Page and Connell (2009) claims that mass tourism is, â€Å"a high volume of tourism that appeals to a large market†(p ). Furthermore, they remark that it can change the area and its population which also concerns the coastal areas in Spain. According to Gonzales (1996) general Franco dedicated his regime to the promotion of tourism as the main financial program in order to conquer the issues of their payments poverty in the country. Bramwell (2004) states that foreign investment tourism has developed expeditious centred primarily on the recreational zones of the Mediterranean coastline areas. Therefore, Bramwell (2004) maintains that international mass tourism began to develop in the coastal areas and islands of the Mediterranean Europe in the decades of the late 1950s. The majority significant characteristics of Spanish tourism after the Second World War have been experiencing rapid growth in the visitor numbers and the combination of domestic and inbound middle and lower-class social groups, according to Bramwell (2004). The author discovered that large expansion in tourism came after the 1950s and the visitors totalled 47,7 million by the year 1986. Additionally, Spanish domestic tourism has subsidised considerably to the growth of mass tourism (Bramwell, 2004). Bramwell (2004) discovered that another element that contributed to the growth of mass tourism was the introduction of package holidays, which are low priced. He states that the Spanish coastline became covered with hotels and flats funded by foreign financiers who presented low package holidays, which in return consumed less cash as well as not giving sufficient income for the countries balance of payment (Bramwell, 2004). What are the cultural and social impacts of tourism in the coastal areas of Spain? The influences on the civilisation and culture of these coastal areas are particularly multidimensional, intricate and contested. Tourism has acquired and provided individuals more financial and social independence from their family. Besides fathers are less powerful in families than before, even supposing that the family has preserved importance, including as a small â€Å"economic unit†that combines diverse sources of income from tourism. Furthermore, it has been argued that tourism has led to depopulation from the villages and a concentration of population in the towns (Bramwell, 2004). Besides, the impacts and consequences of the commercialisation of culture for tourism purposes caused many academic discussions. With some depicting this process as fundamentally destructive of the meaning through which local inhabitants organise their lives (Greenwood, 1989: 179). Certainly, this tourist commercialisation can affect inhabitants’ culture, however it must not be expected that people automatically are incompetent to withstand these pressures whether local cultures should somehow kept fixed. Nevertheless, mass tourism changes the behaviour of the inhabitants from the coastal areas. The inhabitants adapt to the tourists behaviour due to the fact that they want to make money out of these tourists. Tourists wear different clothes, eat different food and interact differently with each other. An example is that in restaurants, Dutch, German food can be ordered. With the arrival of the first tourists in the late 1950s, bikinis were prohibited however an exception for tourists was made. The culture in an area changes slowly and finally can disappear due to tourism. Although, certain inhabitants of the coastal areas attach to the old-fashioned things, as tourists like to see cultural things such as traditional costumes and traditional dances. Regularly, tourists think that inhabitants of the tourism areas still live like these old traditions, while this is not the case (van Rooden, 2010). Also other significant influences on changes in their society, in particular the effects of mass media, increasing living standards, and the evolving awareness of environmental concerns (Bramwell, 2003: 598). According to Salva Tomas(1991) the rapid growth of tourism in the Spanish Balearic islands has encouraged population expansion. Furthermore the islands’ appeared as one of the wealthiest regions in southern Europe. Besides, Vidal Bendito (1994) is serious about focusing entirely on the impact of tourism on these islands, as a demographic and economical data shows that the Balearic society modernised already before the beginning of mass tourism. Regarding multinational food chains, McDonalds for example, are global and put an end to the unique quality of a location. You read "What Impact Does Tourism Have in Coastal Areas in Spain" in category "Essay examples" Universal forms in music, fashion and films lead to a westernisation of civilisation and cultures. Furthermore, it brings down the tourist knowledge and harms the local cultural systems. Above all, in certain countries religious dances may be commercialised and promoted, glamorised for western visitors and performed out of context. As well there may be trivialising of local trades such as woodworks and mass production of souvenirs (Bramwell, 2004). What impact does mass tourism have on the economy and environment of Spain? Mass tourism provides more jobs for the local inhabitants in the coastal areas of Spain. The inhabitants of the areas work in restaurants, hotels and cafes. Furthermore, they maintain beach chair rentals and sell souvenirs. Many other benefits have been created through tourism, such as hotels, apartments, roads, railways, waterworks, and restaurants have provided many jobs. Companies from the coastal areas earn lots of money to manufacture and building. Likewise, cleaning companies, travel agencies, bus companies and information agencies are needed. The local citizen discovered methods and businesses to get income via mass tourism, mainly they own bike rentals, miniature golf courses, or amuse tourists with their speedboats. source) Previously, small fishing villages had a high unemployment however this totally changed by the development of mass tourism. Therefore, many people are happy with the development of tourism in the coastal areas of Spain (van Rooden, 2010) The socio-economic disadvantages of this industry contain the possibility for revenue leakage from the local economy to tour operators and carriers in origin countries, and its focus of low-level workers who are badly paid and employed aptly to the rise and fall in tourism (Bramwell, 2004). Frequently, tourism is associated with complications of seasonal job losses and stages of long hours of intense work, according to Urry (1990: 66 – 88). Therefore, the low payments often contribute to the forms of differences among the populations of tourist areas. Furthermore, there can be critical differences in the distribution of tourism between parts of capital, for instance between tour operators which operate external, and local tourism businesses which are on a smaller scale, as well between different districts. Since the 1960s millions of tourists visit the Spanish coasts. In order to meet the ever-growing demand, large-scale apartment complexes and hotels along the coasts resurrected. Furthermore, construction of new resorts is continuing nowadays. The result is that many of these beach destinations along the Spanish coast suffer from horizon pollution. This implies that hotels and apartment complexes will rise in the height and only front accommodations have sea views, which shows that the agricultural policy aimed at rapid growth rather than sustainability. A range of accommodations dates back to the 1950s or 1960s, which often are expired nowadays. Consequently, outdated accommodations attract young travelers who bargain to for example Salou and Lloret de Mar. However, these inexpensive trips do hardly contribute to the local economy (Stichting Fair Tourism, 2012). To turn to the rapid growth, the environmental and temporal attentiveness of the industry often have enhanced its environmental influences (ShawWilliams, 1994). The ability of infrastructure in an area exceeded the rapid increase of several resorts at that time. Particularly, the demanding summer months resulted to strong environmental concerns (Sharpley, 2000: 283). Occasionally, these concerns display in defects in road facilities and substrates, collection and discard of refuse, sewage collection systems and water purification. Particularly, where local government is not used to the new intensities of demand, where is a lack of applicable competences or is underfinanced (Priestley Mundet, 1998: 92). The conjunction of laws in pro-developments and the absence of implementation and enforcement of the principles of land-use and environmental regulation has occasioned in difficulties such as landscape ilapidation, sea pollution, devastation of ecosystem, loss of useful agrarian land and the mixing of inconsistent land usage (Bramwell, 2004). Moreover, almost all disposable products are imported, which in itself is harmful to the environment. Al disposable items are a huge waste. A tourist produces 50% more waste than a local inhabitant. Additionally, a Spanish citizen uses around 250 liters of water per day, while a tourist uses an average of 900 liters. These numbers include use of swimming pools and golf courses. The huge water consumption of tourists in Spain is a major problem, since the coastal areas already suffer from water scarcity. The wastewater from hotels and other tourist facilities are not handled well. This, in fact is being dumped into the sea a view miles away from the coast (Stichting Fair Tourism, 2012). While developments along Spanish coasts in second-home and retirement home are frequently built at lower volume fractions, this reduced spatial concentration itself can have negative consequences. Including, the more major losses of agricultural land and pollution from traffic is an impact of increased travel distances. Furthermore, the developments of tourism contribute to diverse pressures on environmental resources in coastal areas, including the stones and sand used for building materials (Bramwell, 2004). Conclusion Based on the findings presented in the previous part it can be concluded that tourism has played a tremendous role in the coastal areas of Spain. The development of tourism since the late 1950s has caused many changes in those areas and therefore it has numerous influences in various fields. Since tourism is indispensable, masses of tourists visit the Spanish coastal areas each year. The tourism industry has left its traces and therefore it is important to be aware of this. There are undoubtedly economic benefits from mass tourism as families become more independent. Furthermore, villages become less inhabited as there are many sources of income in the coastal areas. Additionally, mass tourism leads to a westernisation of civilisation and cultures, wherefore it brings down the tourist knowledge and harms the local cultural systems. All in all, it can be said that tourism has many advantages and disadvantages. When coming to all the above-mentioned facts, there are generally more disadvantages. It has been argued that, it is very important that tourists become more aware of the downside of tourism. Tourists depart every week however the Spanish inhabitants have to deal with all the consequences of tourism, as they will live there all their lives. Grading Sheet First Year Writing Assignment Assessment form: You must include a copy of this form (2 pages) with your Report. (Max 84 points) Name:Sabine Alma English teacher: Dymphi van der Hoeven Formatting/ Structure: Correct Layout: * Font, spacing, page numbering, headers, numbered tables, graphs, charts| 1| 2| * Proper Table of contents (APA Style) * Title Page (title of report, student’s name, number, date, assessor’s name * Table of Contents * The paper (I. B. C. , not on separate pages) * List of Works cited * Grading Sheet and declaration| 1| | Introduction – Movement is from general to specific * General background to the topic * Statement of purpose * Preview of the contents of the report| 3| 12| Body * Clear sections with standard phrases that introduce or link in each section * Sufficient support (examples, statistics, expert opinions, etc. ) * Ideas from outside sources are relevant, sufficiently elaborated, and synthesized * All findings develop the topic and relate to the purpose/problem statement (no irrelevancies)| 6| | Conclusion * Review/ summary of the findings (pulling it all together) * Outcome of work = answer to purpose/problem statement (if applicable) * Recommendations, future prospects, personal opinions (if applicable)| 3| | Correct APA Referencing Evidence of PLAGIARISM = 0 marks for the whole assignment * In-text citation: paraphrasing (clearly in student’s own words) * Direct quotations (no more than 10% of final copy) * Reference list/ works cited or bibliography are correct according to APA| | 15| Style Formality (appropriate style of language for the assignment) * Written in an audience orientated way * Balance between formal and informal| | 12|Variety and accuracy of vocabulary * Correct choice of words * Vocabulary has variety and interest (avoids using simplistic expressions and or repetition)| | | Conciseness * Direct and to the point (avoids using wordy phrases)| | | Coherence * Flow of the sentences is smooth (avoids using awkward, ambiguous, confusing sentences)| | | Grammar * Complete sentences (lack of fragments, run-on sentences) * Use of transitional words and phrases (linking or connectors) * Correct word order * Correct use of tenses, verb/noun and singular/plural agreement * Correct prepositions, correct word form (i. e. endings)| | 12| Mechanics * Correct use of capitals, commas * Avoid overuse of bold font, ! , semi-colon * Spelling| | 3| Reference list Bramwell, B ( 2004). Coastal Mass tourism. Deversification and Sustainable Development in Southern Europe. Clevedon: Channel view productions. Bramwell, B. (2003) Maltese responses to tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 30 (3), 581 – 605. Greenwood, D. J. (1989) Culture by the pound. An anthropological persepctive on tourism as cultural commmoditization. In V. Page, M. , Page, S. , Connell, J. (2009) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. n. d. Cengage Learning Emea Priesley, G. K. (1995). Evolution of tourism on the Spanish coast. In. G. J. Ashworth and A. G. J Dietvorst Urry, J. (1990). The tourist gaze. Leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage Vidal Bendito, T. (1994) The Balearic population in the twentieth century. In M. R. Carli (ed) Economic and population Trends in the Mediterranean Islands (pp. 129-54). Collana Alti Seminari 5. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. Salva Tomas, P. A. (1991) La population des iles Baleares pendent 40 ans de tourisme de masse (1950-1989). Mediterranee 1, 74 -14. Shaw, G and Williams, A. M. (1994). Critical issues in tourism: A geographical persepecitve. Oxford: Blackwell. Sharpley, R. (1998). Island Tourism Development. The case of Cyprus. Newcastle: centre for Travel tourism, university of Northumbria at Newcastle. Stichting Fair Tourism. (2012). Massa Tourism. Retrieved 30 March, 2012 from http://www. fairtourism. nl/index. php? pagimenu_id=25pagimenu_Sid=7 Van Rooden, P. (2010) Gevolgen van massatoerisme. Retrieved April 04, 2012 from http://www. schooltv. nl/eigenwijzer/2157310/aardrijkskunde/item/2831006/gevolgen-van-massatoerisme/ Wahab, S, Pigram J. J. (1997)Tourism, Development and Growth. The How to cite What Impact Does Tourism Have in Coastal Areas in Spain, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Prison Essays - Penology, Prison, Parole, Prison Reform,
Prison The incarcerated life of a prisoner is usually a reoccurring cycle; commit a crime, go to prison, get released. Commit another crime, go to prison yet again, and get released once more. For many criminals, this is the cycle that will define who they are. Is it their fault? Not entirely. The prison system is set up exclusively as a form of punishment, which it should be for the most part, but lacks in guidance. However, a large number of criminals who get locked up spend their days reflecting on their past crimes and thinking about family who they had left behind. They often come to the conclusion that they must change their lives so they are no longer missing out on family members accomplishments, the growing up of their children, and on real life. Most individuals serving time in prison only know a life of crime. Crime is how they had previously survived in the real world and they do not possess skills to obtain a good job. Even if imprisoned individuals do have skills, a majority of employers shy away from hiring ex-prisoners due to the reputation that they have. What the prison system can do is provide workshops so prisoners can obtain certain skills or improve skills they already have in order to prove to potential employers that they have what it takes to hold down a job and to prove that they would be an asset to the establishment. Providing this benefit would help prisoners get on the right track and stay on it throughout their prison term and after getting released. It would also help prisoners stay out of the prison cycle which would free up space for other street criminals who could use the hard truth of what prison really is but could also use the guidance. An additional beneficial program that prison facilities could become involved in is training dogs for rehabilitation services. On the Animal Planets television show, Pit Bulls and Parolees, the woman who runs a Pit Bull rescue visits a prison that had implemented such a program. In interviews with the prisoners and the guards, one thing was clear; things were better with the dogs. The guards stated that there was less fighting in that specific section of the prison and the inmates were not so loud and obnoxious. The prisoners stated that living with the dogs had changed them. The dogs bonded with them without judgment and made them realize that they can turn their lives around and prove that they should not be judged by their past decisions. Wilbert Rideau states that most prisoners here are much older, having spent fteen, twenty, thirty, or more years behind bars, long past necessity. Rather than pay for new prisons, society would be well served by releasing some of its older prisoners who pose no threat and using the money to catch young street thugs. This is quite a good idea. I recently watched a television show on the Discovery channel about men who were sentenced to life in prison. In one specific prison, an entire section of the building had been made into a prison hospice center where elderly prisoners were taken to be cared for and made comfortable for when they were to pass away. These individuals obviously pose no threat to society and most likely would not have posed a threat for quite some time. It could have been beneficial to the prison system to have released these inmates and used those resources to imprison younger and more dangerous criminals. Prisoners should not receive special treatment, but they should be given the opportunity to better themselves. Imprisoned individuals should be given guidance and support to learn new things and realize that a life in prison is not a life to live. Although they have committed crimes, prisoners still need compassion and everyone deserves a second chance to prove themselves to society.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Baking Ingredient Substitutions Table
Baking Ingredient Substitutions Table Do you need to replace one ingredient with another in a recipe? Apply a bit of cooking chemistry to save your project. This is a table of ingredient substitutions that you can make when baking. Changing the ingredient may affect the taste and texture of your recipe slightly, but this list should help prevent major differences. ammonium bicarbonate - 3/4 teaspoon1 tsp baking soda baking powder (single-acting) - 1 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar plus 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch baking powder (double-acting) - 1 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar plus 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch. Use 1 tsp for every 1 cup of flour. baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder (replace the acidic liquid in recipe with non-acidic liquid) baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon1/2 teaspoon potassium bicarbonate buttermilk - 1 cup (240 ml)1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar plus enough milk to make 1 cup (240 ml) (let mixture stand 5-10 minutes)more buttermilk recipes cake flour - 1 cup (130 grams)3/4 cup (105 grams) all purpose flour plus 2 tablespoons (30 grams) cornstarch cake flour - 1/3 cup1/3 cup all-purpose flour less 1/2 teaspoon chocolate (bittersweet or semi-sweet) - 1 ounce (30 grams)1/2 ounce (15 grams) unsweetened chocolate plus 1 tablespoon (15 grams) granulated sugar chocolate (unsweetened) - 1 ounce (30 grams)3 tablespoons (20 grams) natural cocoa powder (not Dutch-processed) plus 1 tablespoon (14 grams) unsalted butter, shortening, or vegetable oil cocoa powder, Dutch-Processed - 3 tablespoons (20 grams)1 ounce (30 grams) unsweetened chocolate plus 1/8 teaspoon baking soda. Also reduce fat in recipe by 1 tablespoon. cocoa powder, natural unsweetened - 1 ounce (30 grams) unsweetened chocolate. Also reduce fat in recipe by 1 tablespoon. coffee, strong - 1/4 cup (60 ml)2 tablespoons (10 grams) instant coffee in 3 tablespoons hot water corn syrup, dark - 1 cup (240 ml)3/4 cup (180 ml) light corn syrup plus 1/4 cup (60 ml) light molasses corn syrup, light - 1 cup (240 ml)1 cup (200 grams) granulated white sugar (increase the liquid in the recipe by 1/4 cup or 60 ml) cornstarch (for thickening) - 1 tablespoon (15 grams)2 tablespoons (25 grams) all purpose flour cream of tartar - 1/2 teaspoon1/2 teaspoon white vinegar or lemon juice cream - half-and-half - 1 cup (240 ml)7/8 cup (210 ml) whole milk plus 2 tablespoons (25 grams) melted unsalted butter cream, heavy (not for whipping) - 1 cup (240 ml)2/3 cup (160 ml) whole milk plus 1/3 cup (75 grams) melted unsalted butter flour, self-rising - 1 cup (140 grams)1 cup (140 grams) all-purpose flour plus 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder plus 1/4 teaspoon salt flour, whole wheat - 1 cup (150 grams)7/8 cup (120 grams) all-purpose flour plus 2 tablespoon (6 grams) wheat germ honey - 1 cup (240 ml)3/4 cup (180 ml) light or dark corn syrup plus 1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated sugar lard - 1/2 cup (113 grams)1/2 cup (113 grams) solid vegetable shortening lard - 1/2 cup (113 grams)1/2 cup (113 grams) plus 1 tablespoon (14 grams) unsalted butter marshmallow cream - 2.5 ounces8 large marshmallows or 1 cup miniature marshmallows milk (sweetened condensed) - 14 ounce can (396 grams)blend 1 cup instant nonfat dry milk plus 2/3 cup (135 grams) granulated sugar plus 3 tablespoons (35 grams) melted unsalted butter plus 1/2 cup (120 ml) boiling water milk (evaporated whole) - 1 cup (240 ml)1 cup (240 ml) half half milk (whole) - 1 cup (240 ml)1 cup (240 ml) skim milk plus 2 tablespoons (25 grams) melted butter or margarine molasses - 1 cup (240 ml)1 cup (240 ml) dark corn syrup sour cream - 1 cup (225 grams or 8 ounces)1 cup plain yogurt sour cream - 1 cup (225 grams or 8 ounces)1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar plus whole milk to fill 1 cup (240 ml) tapioca, instant or quick-cooking - 1 tablespoon (12 grams)1-1/2 tablespoons (20 grams) flour vinegar - 1/4 cup (60 ml)1/3 cup (80 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice yogurt, plain - 1 cup (225 g)1 cup (225) sour cream
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How Steroid Hormones Work in the Body
How Steroid Hormones Work in the Body Hormones are molecules produced and secreted by endocrine glands in the body. Hormones are released into the blood and travel to other parts of the body where they bring about specific responses from specific cells. Steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol and are lipids of steroid hormones include the sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, and progesterone) produced by male and female gonads and hormones of the adrenal glands (aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens). Key Takeaways: Steroid Hormones Steroid hormones are fat-soluble molecules derived from cholesterol. They are produced by certain endocrine organs and glands and released into the bloodstream to reach target cells.Steroid hormones include sex hormones and adrenal gland hormones. Testosterone, estrogens, and cortisol are examples of steroid hormones.Steroid hormones act on cells by passing through the cell membrane, entering the nucleus, binding to DNA, and initiating gene transcription and protein production.Anabolic steroid hormones are synthetic molecules that mimic the action of testosterone. Illegal use and abuse of these hormones can lead to a number of negative health consequences. How Steroid Hormones Work Steroid hormones cause changes within a cell by first passing through the cell membrane of the target cell. Steroid hormones, unlike non-steroid hormones, can do this because they are fat-soluble. Cell membranes are composed of a phospholipid bilayer which prevents fat-insoluble molecules from diffusing into the cell. This is an illustration of lipid-soluble hormone binding and protein production in a cell. Â OpenStax, Anatomy Physiology/Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Once inside the cell, the steroid hormone binds with a specific receptor found only in the cytoplasm of the target cell. The receptor bound steroid hormone then travels into the nucleus and binds to another specific receptor on the chromatin. Once bound to the chromatin, this steroid hormone-receptor complex calls for the production of specific RNA molecules called messenger RNA (mRNA) by a process called transcription. The mRNA molecules are then modified and transported to the cytoplasm. The mRNA molecules code for the production of proteins through a process called translation. These proteins can be used to build muscle. Steroid Hormone Mechanism of Action The steroid hormone mechanism of action can be summarized as follows: Steroid hormones pass through the cell membrane of the target cell.The steroid hormone binds with a specific receptor in the cytoplasm.The receptor bound steroid hormone travels into the nucleus and binds to another specific receptor on the chromatin.The steroid hormone-receptor complex calls for the production of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, which code for the production of proteins. Types of Steroid Hormones This is a molecular model of the structure of the male sex hormone testosterone. Â Pasieka/Oxford Scientific/Getty Images Steroid hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and gonads. The adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys and consist of an outer cortex layer and an inner medulla layer. Adrenal steroid hormones are produced in the outer cortex layer. Gonads are the male testes and female are the ovaries. Adrenal Gland Hormones Aldosterone: This mineralcorticoid acts on the kidneys promoting the absorption of sodium and water. Aldosterone aids in blood pressure regulation by raising blood volume and blood pressure.Cortisol: This glucocorticoid aids in metabolism regulation by stimulating the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources in the liver. Cortisol is also an important anti-inflammatory substance and helps the body deal with stress.Sex Hormones: The adrenal glands produce small amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone and the female sex hormone estrogen. Gonadal Hormones Testosterone: This male sex hormone is produced by the testes and in small amounts in the female ovaries. Testosterone is responsible for the development of male reproductive organs and male secondary sex characteristics.Estrogens: These female sex hormones are produced in the ovaries. They promote development of female sex characteristics and skeletal growth.Progesterone: This female sex hormone is produced in the ovaries and important for the production and maintenance of the uterine lining during pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone levels also regulate the menstrual cycle. Anabolic Steroid Hormones Anabolic steroid hormones are synthetic hormones of the male androgen testosterone. Â PhotosIndia.com/Getty Images Anabolic steroid hormones are synthetic substances that are related to the male sex hormones. They have the same mechanism of action within the body. Anabolic steroid hormones stimulate the production of protein, which is used to build muscle. They also lead to an increase in the production of testosterone. In addition to its role in the development of reproductive system organs and sex characteristics, testosterone is also critical in the development of lean muscle mass. Additionally, anabolic steroid hormones promote the release of growth hormone, which stimulates skeletal growth. Anabolic steroids have therapeutic use and may be prescribed to treat problems such as muscle degeneration associated with disease, male hormone issues, and late onset of puberty. However, some individuals use anabolic steroids illegally to improve athletic performance and build muscle mass. Abuse of anabolic steroid hormones disrupts the normal production of hormones in the body. There are several negative health consequences associated with anabolic steroid abuse. Some of these include infertility, hair loss, breast development in males, heart attacks, and liver tumors. Anabolic steroids also effect the brain causing mood swings and depression.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The European Economic Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The European Economic Community - Essay Example This resulted in the benefits of four freedoms namely, capital, labor, products and services to the European community. In subsequent years, the movement gathered momentum, and as the policies of liberalization and globalization started having bigger impacts on the world polity, the EEC saw more relevance for it. Stated objective of formation of EEC is of course protecting the economic interests, but the region has also learnt quite a few lessons from the history as well. Germany used to be a loose confederation of independent states till 1870. On January 18, 1871, these states united under a Prussian king who had the title â€Å"Kaiser, of the German Empire†. Bismarck was the first Chancellor or Prime Minister of the unified Germany. This resulted in gradual expansion of Germany and alternation of distribution of power within Europe and a new world order (Henig, 2002). This shift is balance of power made the group of nations like Britain, Russia and France together. Gradually the imperialistic urge started crossing the borders and entered into the African region. All such events led to the two world wars and massive devastation on all sides. Therefore, formation of a common platform is also the efforts towards averting the recurrence of such wars. The stated objectives for the EEC in clude2; The common commercial policies are an important step towards safeguarding the interests of the region particularly while dealing with the outside world. After the treaty of Rome, a need was being felt to serve the interests of the customs union with a Common Customs Tariff (CCT) to deal with the third parties. Established by Article 113 [133] of the Treaty of Rome, Common Commercial Policies therefore took shape in 1961 to safeguard the common interests of the EU nations3. This effectively meant that the EU region will act as one country while
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Marketing Information Of Slip Safe Australia Essay
Marketing Information Of Slip Safe Australia - Essay Example  The product is available in different colors such as and dark gray. The backing materials of the product include color bound stainless steel and zinc aluminum (Slip Safe Australia, 2015a).  Customers The organization mainly deals with other business locations. The major consumers of the product are the tile shops, health care locations, old age care locations, shopping malls, residential apartments and hotels and restaurants such as Blue Nursing Service, Tweed Heads & Kingscliffe, John Flynn Hospital, and Grand Mercure Hotel. The product is highly considered by various local councils. A number of schools, clubs, pubs and swimming pool locations also prefer to utilize the Safety Plates and Step Edges product of the organization (Slip Safe Australia, 2015b). Competitors The market of Australia possesses a number of slip prevention service organizations that have increased the competition for the Safety Plates and Step Edges product line of the organization. The competitors within the market include Anti Slip, General Staircase and Stair Care.  There are few stair designing companies which are also providing stair nosing facility such as OzStairs. The price competition is very high within the industry as most of the leading players are providing competitive prices. In this scenario, Safety Plates and Step Edges of Slip Safe can be considered to be higher priced which restricts the organization to achieve a competitive position (Riazi, et al., 2012).
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Theme Of Human And Animal Transformation English Literature Essay
The Theme Of Human And Animal Transformation English Literature Essay Throughout history, animals have held and important place in literature, they act as symbols and representations of society, economics and human relationships. Franz Kafka was born in Prague in 1883 to a upper-middle class Jewish, German family. Although his mother was loving she was somewhat secondary to his upbringing and his highly domineering father was both emotionally and physically abusive. Throughout his life, Kafka always felt somewhat of an outsider as well as being plagued with guilt about his hatred for his father who he perceived as a giant of a man, my father, the ultimate judge, coming to get me in the middle of the night [1] As an adult, Kafka lived a double life, working as a clerk by day and writing by night, something that was highly disapproved of by his father. He never married or had children and spent most of his adult living with his parents and sister something that one can see reflected in the Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis, is fundamentally a fantasy novel however, it represents a very real scenario. By looking at the novel from a Marxist perspective one can see a worker being abandoned by his employer and family after becoming unable to work and support them financially which is representative of the proletariat, bourgeoisie conflict described by Marx. Kafkas Metamorphosis is an illustration of a capitalist society dominated by economics and the abandonment of those unable to provide for themselves. If one studies the novel from this perspective we can see that the protagonist Gergor represents the proletariat and his manager the bourgeoisie. Gregor, the protagonist of the novel represents the proletariat, he is forced to work in a job that he hates as a travelling sales man as he is trying to support his family and pay off his fathers debts. Gregors social status would be defined by Marx and Engels as a member of the class of modern wage labourers who having no means of production of their own are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live [2] . At the beginning of the novel we learn that Gregor has transformed into an insect. The identity of this creature however, is never disclosed; this is because the characteristics of the insect are relatively unimportant in understanding the conflict and class struggles that are occurring within the novel. Instead the transformation signifies Gergors new inability to work and provides a focus on Gregors value as a labourer rather than a person and how this diminishes when he is no longer able to go out and earn money or support his family. If Gregor is representative of the proletariat his manger symbolises the bourgeoisie he is an example of the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labourers. [3] The manager is not given a name which signifies his lack of humanity and acts superior as a result of his advanced economic position. Kafkas portrayal of the manager makes him highly unlikeable, if anything the reader is lead to empathise more with Gregor as an insect than his human manger. The first to abandon Gregor is his manager who leaves as soon as he realises that Gregor is unable to work and therefore has no value to him. As the worker Gregor is work nothing more than his labour to his manager he is also expendable as the manager knows that he will be able to find a replacement worker. However, one Gregor becomes unable to support his family financially they to abandon him. Marx claims that the bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil and has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation [4] . Kafkas metamorphosis is a clear example of this, Gregor worked in a job he hated for years trying to support his family who abandon his the minute he is unable to continue. His father is the most emotionally unattached and deals with Gregor in the harshest manner. Gregors presence seems to anger his father as he clenches his fists and throws fruit at the insect [5] . Although his mother and sister Grete are initially upset and sym pathetic towards Gregor his sister brings him food and cleans his room- this affection dwindles over time as they cease to receive any financial support from Gregor. Grete even begins to refer to her brother as it and states that if the bug was really Gregor he would have realised long ago that it isnt possibly for human beings to live with such a creature and he would have gone away of his own free will [6] . Her indifference towards her brother shows that as a result of his transformation he has ceased to exist to her. The relationship of the family was based on shared wages and once Gregor could no longer contribute to that he no longer existed within the family relation. This is further supported by the fact that as a result of Gregors inability to work his father and sister have to start earning a living. His father takes over as head of the household and his sister flourishes in her new occupation, becomes more beautiful and earns the respect of her parents. Even his mo ther becomes stronger and starts to work more around the house. It seems that Gregors transformation forces the family into working for themselves and not being reliant on their son. The eventual conclusion to the Gregors story is his inevitable death, once he transformed and was no longer able to feed himself his life depended on the charity of his parents who considered him useless and a financial burden and locked him away. However, rather than being upset at their sons death, his family appear relieved their economic needs superseded any emotional attachment that the family had to Gregor and therefore they could not love him once he became a strain on the family. Following his death Gregors family travel to the country, they discuss the economic benefits of not having to support Gregor and then move on to talking about Grete. They discuss her marriage and the financial benefits of this, it appears that while Grete is financially useful to the her parents she is welcomed as part of the family but the novel ends with a subtle warning that if she started to become a burden she could have the same outcome as Gregor. Pig Tales by Marie Darrieussecq was published in France in1996 more than 50 years after the publication of The Metamorphosis. However, like Kafka Darrieussecq the transformation of an animal to provide a critical analogy of society. In this case our protagonist, an unnamed narrator living in Paris slowly turns into a pig, which the reader is encouraged to believe is a result of her amoral lifestyle. Her gradual transformation into an animal is reflective of the changes occurring in the society she lives which is becoming more right wing as a result of consumer capitalism. The novel follows the life of this nameless girl and begins with her being interviewed at a perfume store where the director tells her that The important thing [is] to look lovely and well groomed at all times [7] . Pig Tales was highly successful and very popular amongst adult readers, Sallie Muirden argues in her essay on the novel that this success could be because of the way that Darrieussecq channels cont emporary female resentment about the patriarchy in a post-feminist era, in particular theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ continued control over what women do with their bodies. [8] Through her book, Darrieussecq is articulating experiences and feelings that the modern day female reader will be able to relate to. She dealing with issues concerning the womens body and womens rights but in a post-feminist manner, as she is arguing that one may not have an issue with selling their body and may in fact enjoy working as a prostitute. Although this may be criticised by early feminist as being degrading to women I think what Darrieussecq is really fighting for is that we dont see her protagonist as a victim but rather as women making her own choices and decisions with regard to her body. Equally, Darrieussecq is not condemning the women in this novel, rather, she is criticising the social circumstances the narrator finds herself in which is most like a result of her lack of education which makes it hard for her to concentrate [9] . Her inarticulateness and naivety make it easier for those around her who are corrupt (mainly the men in the novel) to take advantage of her which is shown at the beginning of the novel when she is sexually assaulted by the director during her interview The director of Perfumes Plus was holding my right breast in one hand and the job contract in the other [10] . As a result it takes her a long time to realise that it is her participation in this corrupt act that are causing her apparent transformation and that she must resist form amoral behaviour in order to remain human. However, there is still something about the narrator that makes the reader empathise with her, she is very sincere and has much emotion for others which can be seen in her relationships with Yvan the werewolf and her lost pig babies, I licked the poor mites as carefully as I could. When they grew cold, I felt as though I couldnt go on. I curled up in a ball and didnt th ink about anything any more [11] . Here her response is protective and tender which supports my belief that she is inherently good but living in society that is corrupt.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Madame Bovary And The Death Of Ivan Ilych Essay
What is the nature of man? Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych portray not only a glimpse of what man’s nature is, but also in so doing provide a criticism of it. Both works look into the life of people who want more out of life, and yet ironically what they desire only adds shallowness and not meaning to their existence. Whereas Flaubert’s Madam Bovary shows the depressing end of a woman consumed by passions, Tolstoy gives hope with a dying man’s last days where he gets an epiphany of what the nature of man should be. Emma is Madame Bovary, a young woman who lived in her world of romantic fantasy. She came from the country and read romantic novels when she was in the convent, and believed in earnest that love and marriage will make her happy. But after marrying a simple-minded and incompetent doctor Charles, she grows disillusioned as she sinks in the routine activities of daily life. She wanted romance, passion, excitement, and although her husband loves her and adores her, she wanted more. She wanted the latest trends in fashion and she felt that she was born unjustly to a lower class than was supposed to be for her, the aristocrat. But Emma does nothing to earn the admiration or the respect of the people she admired: she can copy their outward mannerism and clothes, but she does not have the refinement or the manners to be truly aristocratic. She merely believes in her fantasy world where the aristocrats live in luxury and a life of excitement. She was ambitious, but did not have any means to acquire her material cravings but for using her beauty and body. She gets into extramarital affairs because she finds her married life dull, even when she gives birth to a daughter. She does not take care of her daughter because she wanted a boy, and instead romps off with Rodolphe Boulanger, and does not care what other people say. She is oftentimes indiscreet and cares not of her reputation or her husband’s. Emma is self-centered and she had a sense of entitlement and superiority which had no basis but drove her to act without a thought to the consequences of her actions. She is, in a way, always likening herself to playing a role that sparks her imagination at the moment: a young woman being married to a foreign doctor, a middle class with a noble’s spirit, a bored wife having an affair, a lover, a woman of rich tastes. She could not accept that her reality was the norm and that her fantasies were exaggerated, dramatic ideals. When she was young she wanted the same romance she read in her romantic novels. When she became exposed to the high society at the ball she wanted to become like them. When she saw the melodramatic opera â€Å"Lucia de Lammemoor†she adopts the character and like her commits suicide. She drove herself to debt by buying expensive items which she sometimes gave as gifts to her lovers even when she had no means of paying for these in the first place. She signed promissory notes even when she did not understand them because the merchant Lheureux played with her fantasy that she was meant for the finest things in life. When her first lover leaves her, she is distraught and falls gravely ill. With her second affair she acts as the man, covering the costs for the affair and taking charge of where, when, and how they will meet. Her debts pile up as she purchases more and more to fill the gaping hole in her being. She believed she needed passion and excitement, but it seems that what she really needed was purpose and direction, for her life held no meaning. Her innocent tendency towards romance is transformed into full blown moral corruption as she was unable to hold herself together and keep her urges and desires under control. Emma is not productive, she has no desire to improve herself or her skills, and she does not nurture her relationships with her husband, her daughter, not even with her lovers. She just saw them as means of escape from her dull life, and when they fall short of her expectations she just drops them. When the consequences of her actions finally catch up on her and her world becomes smaller and smaller, she decides to play a role – that of a tragic heroine and kills herself with swallowing arsenic. She could not face up to the trouble that she has caused and decides to escape rather than take responsibility as she could not imagine a life of poverty and shame – although her whole life she was never wealthy and she lived a scandalous life with her known affairs. Up until then she saw her life differently – believed she had wealth, pride and breeding because that was what she wanted, but sadly these did not bring her the happiness she sought. Emma had a good life but was not able to appreciate it with her preoccupation with the things she did not have. By focusing her energies on her fantasies of wealth and romance she failed to live her life to the fullest, and for the most part it could be said that she was living in a dream and when she woke to find herself in the gravity of her real life situation, she killed herself to escape, but there was no going back to her fantasy world, and no redemption as even after her death her husband discovers her infidelity which kills him and her daughter sent off to work on a cotton mill. In her, we see the nature of man as ruled by emotions, desires and appetites, without caution or control, without compassion to others. Emma was not able to see and recognize the humanity in her, all the time she was acting out, even her motherly functions, her martyr facade. She never truly enjoyed life because she never saw anything and anyone beyond their appearances, and never learned to appreciate the little things that make life worthwhile. The theme of life and death is also examined in Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych, where he uses the characters to critique the artificial life that people live in society characterized by materialism and shallowness. Tolstoy puts forward a picture of society with striking honesty and insight: individuals do not behave as individuals but rather aspire to be like everybody else, trying to live a correct life as appropriated by norms, striving to have a comfortable life accentuated with material wealth even if their spiritual life and human relationships are dry and empty. With his narrative, Tolstoy then poses the question of what is important in life, how life should be led, and ultimately, how important life is and how people take it for granted by deluding themselves into believing they are exempt from death. Most of the characters in the story are portrayed as materialistic social climbers, who equated material wealth and position in society as determinants of success and happiness. Ivan, his wife and daughter, his supposed friends, all troubled themselves with appearances – they were preoccupied with proper decorum and attires, of looking well off, of having power over others. But these are all temporal, for these things do not really matter in the face of death. Ivan finds out that what is important is living one’s life according to one’s own vindication, not blindly following trends in society which results in a shallow, routine, meaningless life. He belatedly understood that empathy and recognizing the individual as an individual with thoughts and emotions rather than as subjects with mere faces is what mattered in life, that to live humanly is what gives life its meaning. Only Gerasim and his son are the ones in the story that have empathy and humanity in them – in Gerasim it is made obvious by his understanding that everybody, regardless of position or appearance, are all equal, with the same fate waiting for them in the end, especially when he said, â€Å"We shall all of us die, so why should I grudge a little trouble? †. The son, on the other hand, is the only one in Ivan household who showed any feelings for his dying father – he took his father’s hand and kissed it while crying. This can be taken as the boy was young; he was still innocent and not yet tainted with the demands of society. Ivan himself was dissatisfied with the boy because he behaved differently from him, his wife and daughter, but in his last days it was his son who showed him that there is a human soul in the world who regarded his life important. Also, this depiction of the innocence in childhood is mirrored in Ivan’s experiences: the only times he felt truly alive was when he was a boy, before he went to Law School. Being assimilated into society, he found that he trapped himself into a prison of standards, and lived a largely artificial life. Tolstoy showed that an artificial life is characterized by materialism and social climbing. At the beginning of the story, we find Ivan dead but his friends were chiefly concerned with the position that he will be vacating, the promotions and changes in the workplace and what they have to gain from it, all the while denying to themselves that they too will end up like Ivan sooner or later, that they will die eventually. They act as though they could live forever and concern themselves with the trivial everyday things. Even in his wake, his friends put a show of grievance because it was what was required of â€Å"friends†, but were more interested in playing bridge. They did not see the inevitability of death and suffering, of the hollowness of their lives. Peter Ivanovich, Ivan’s perceived closest friend, somehow felt disturbed and concerned, but rushed to quell these feelings because he reasoned he was alive and Ivan dead and there should be no reason to â€Å"hinder their spending the evening agreeably†. When he was still alive, Ivan himself saw how he had lived superficially in the way his doctors treated him, as though he was some subject whose sentence they hold in their hands, his life holding no real importance or meaning to the doctors. What mattered to the doctors was their perception of themselves that they feel important and significant by virtue of their occupation; that is what gave them satisfaction and purpose. Ivan himself acted the same way many times in his life – with the accused brought before him he reduced them to facts on paper and did not see them as individuals, he got married for it was expected of a man of his station and chose a bride not out of love or devotion but out of the social status it will benefit him. In the end, the story teaches that material wealth and position in society are not what matters. In the face of death, one looks back at the quality of life that he has led, and the most precious times would be the ones he felt most alive, when he was free and himself. The Death of Ivan Ilych and Madame Bovary teach us the nature of man as susceptible to fantasies of the happiness that wealth and material possessions can bring, but in reality these are more likely to corrupt us than give us real happiness. The nature of man is that of desire – desire to achieve in all aspects of life, and in this man should always apply himself to make himself a better person. However, desire for achievement is different from greed. Achievement should not only be limited to the professional and material aspects of life, but more importantly to the relationships with others. The meaning and purpose of life is not about the material achievement but how well one lived his life. Man’s nature reflects that of his society, and society that of man, as the individual is part of the whole and the whole consists of its parts. Both protagonists were deeply influenced by their time and what was regarded as important then. They have let others dictate, influence and take advantage of them, and by not taking responsibility d control over their lives they eventually found themselves in situations they did not dream of. This could have only come up to those who did not examine their actions and the kind of life they lead. Emma and Ivan believed that wealth and material things can bring happiness, but they both ended up dead – although here the stories’ protagonists differ. Whereas Emma chooses suicide to escape her suffering, Ivan comes to terms with his death and accepts it. Although Emma’s final act was of her own decision, we cannot say that she was finally taking things in her hands as before that she was always feeling hindered and trapped by her circumstances. She did not have a realization of what brought down her downfall, even in her final days she did not know what held meaning and not. Her suicide, like all her actions before, was an attempt at escaping reality, and this time she succeeded. Emma was not able to redeem herself, nor was she able to see what would make her life happy, but Ivan was changed and in his last days was able to make sense of his suffering. Tolstoy showed that no matter how sullen or materialistic a man behaved and lived, there is still hope for him to change as long as he lives. That man’s innate nature is towards living an authentic life, towards goodness, and that even if society is corrupt and superficial, pure love and humanity also exists, and it is always within us, and also in our capacity, to choose what kind of life to lead.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Art 100 Museum Paper - 814 Words
Intro to Art/Art 100 Pre-Raphaelites I visited National Gallery of Art, Washington DC on Friday, March 29, 2013 to see the exhibition â€Å"Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Art and Design, 1848-1900†. It is the first major survey of the art of the Pre-Raphaelites to be shown in the United States features some 130 paintings, sculptures, works on paper, and decorative art objects. The young members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, formed in 1848, shook the art world of mid-19th-century Britain by rejecting traditional approaches to painting. Combining scientific precision, an innovative approach to subject matter, and brilliant, clear colors, Pre-Raphaelitism was Britains first avant-garde art movement. Queen Victoria had been on the throne†¦show more content†¦(In a futile attempt to keep her warm, he put candles beneath it, but she reportedly became ill afterward and her father refused to allow her to work for him again.) Rarely, however, had her demise been imagined as explicitly as in Millais’s painting, which shows her floating down the stream before the moment when, in the words of the Bard â€Å"her garments, heavy with their drink, / Pull’d the poor wretch from her melodious lay / to muddy death.†Several years after Ophelia caused a sensation, another painting with a similarly bleak subject caught the attention of the public. 2. William Holman Hunt The Awakening Conscience, 1853 –1854, Oil on canvas, presented by Sir Colin and Lad Anderson through the Friends of the Tate Gallery, 1976 Hunt’s The Awakening Conscience depicts a moment of salvation, a spiritual message embedded in a composition dense with symbolism. A kept woman, on hearing the song her lover has been singing, realizes her mistaken ways and rises from his lap. The sentimental lyrics reminded her of lost innocence; she looks out from the dark, gaudily furnished apartment that has been set up for their trysts, toward the light of the garden, reflected in the large gilded mirror behind her. The fallen woman was a shocking subject, but it fascinated many painters. Including Rossetti, who addressed the controversial theme in a poem and a number of drawings. 3. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Beata Beatrix, c. 1864 – 1870Show MoreRelatedArt 1011313 Words  | 6 PagesAna College ART 100 ---- Winter Intersession 2016 --- Intersession INTRODUCTION TO ART CONCEPTS Instructor: Michael Fremont Redfield Email: redfield_michael@sac.edu Office Phone: 714-564-5600 Mobile Phone: 949-293-9737 Office Location: by appointment ART 100 --- Introduction to Art An introductory course for both the general interest and art major student: a survey of the nature and role of the visual arts in society. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Analysis - 1327 Words
â€Å"Now, you see, the world is full of temptations. They’re wrong things that seem great at the time.†(Carlo Collodi). In Pinocchio, there is a scene where Pinocchios conscious is talking to him about how he wants to a real boy, and what temptations he must avoid to be a good one at that. Though Pinoke makes many mistakes along his journey in becoming a real boy; those mistakes taught him a valuable lesson and built him to be a better person. Life lessons learned in, â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†, portray the importance of promises being kept and the right in being honest; due to Gawain’s inadequacies, he lied and decided to do something unchivalrous which proves the lesson that he is not in fact a perfect knight after all, whereas,†¦show more content†¦Experiencing a close-to-death-call, Gawain then realizes the fault in what he has done. Yet you lacked, sir, a little loyalty there, But the cause was not cunning, nor, courtship either. But that you loved your own life; the less, then, to blame. (Armitage, â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†456-458) In this quote, Bertilak, the Green Knight, acknowledges Gawains faults and points out how no matter of them; the cowardness in Gawains eyes prove that he wants to live. Despite him being in the wrong, Bertilak spares his life which taught Gawain a valuable lesson. The morality in doing right instead of wrong, being honest, true, and keeping your promises are the important life lessons that Gawain did not necessarily portray; but later acknowledged after realization and coming close to death. Being the species we are, everything is trial and error; taking that into consideration, we are only human†¦ but this does not dismiss the inexcusable acts of a Knight who is now being tried for his actions. Being of noble and high status, you are held to a certain level of expectations; in this case the Knight is expected to be chivalrous, humble and level-headed. The Knight raped a woman and was given an ultimatum to death by the queen if he could figure out, â€Å"What is the thing that women most desire?†(Chaucer, â€Å"The Wife of Baths Tale†51), and if he could not, then death would come to him in twelve months when he returns to give an answer. On the journey to findShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay2387 Words  | 10 Pagesthe fourteenth century poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The poem opens with allusions to Greek and Roman history and eventually sets the story on Christmas in Camelot with King Arthur and his k nights of the round table. Gawain, King Arthur’s nephew and a knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, faces trials and temptations that one would typically expect from a knight of the round table. Through careful and juxtaposed analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and articles by reputable authorsRead MoreEssay Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1050 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, after Gawain ventures â€Å"into a forest fastness, fearsome and wild†(Norton, 311), he prays that he will be able to find â€Å"harborage†on Christmas Eve (Norton, 312). It is the middle of winter, and Gawain has been traveling in search of the Green Knight whose head he has cut off. After he prays and signs himself three times, Gawain finds a magical castle in the midst of a winter forest. He rides to the castle and is grantedRead More A Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight1426 Words  | 6 PagesA Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the character of Sir Gawain is skillfully brought to life by the unknown author. Through the eyes of numerous characters in the poem, we see Gawain as a noble knight who is the epitome of chivalry; he is loyal, honest and above all, courteous. As the story progresses, Gawain is subjected to a number of tests of character, some known and some unknown. These tests tell us a greatRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight955 Words  | 4 Pagesthe classic medieval poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that is used to form a more captivating story and construct a deeper meaning to the plot. The color green certainly is a prominent color in the poem, especially with the Green Knight, who is literally green from head to toe. The Green Knight makes quite the entrance on his horse as he rides into Camelot disrupting King Arthur and his knight’s New Year’s Feast. The Green Knight has come to find out if the Knights of the Round Tab le are as loyalRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight940 Words  | 4 Pages In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the men and women appear to have different roles in the society. The men attempt to live a more noble life while emasculating the power of the women. Throughout the poem, women display hints of their potential through manipulation and trickery, traits that are uneasily recognized by men as growing power. Morgan la Fay manipulates the Lord Bercilak to assume the role of the Green Knight, and she uses him for revenge against Queen Guenevere. She engineered a planRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1054 Words  | 5 PagesIn his book The Discarded Image C.S. Lewis states that â€Å"the Middle Ages depended predominantly on books†¦reading was one way of the total culture.†To illustrate, imagine a young heroic knight, holding his sword in one hand and his shield in another. Standing in confidence, with a determined look upon his face before confronting his next challenge. Bravery is found in many interesting stories throughout the medieval ages. It is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as â€Å"courageous behavior or character†(OxfordRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight846 Words  | 4 PagesAnd Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is not an exception to the rule. The poem uses imagery, juxtaposition of scenes, and the action of the chara cters to present the numerous themes to the reader and the presentation is done throughout the work. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the idea that in the world, there are man-made and natural rules that one must follow but in times, the two rules come in conflict with each other. By analyzing the two games played by Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, theRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1199 Words  | 5 Pagesfrequently depicted as a knight in shining armor, an image that originates from age-old literature such as the fourteenth-century Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In such literary works, the heroic knight has several virtuosic character traits: friendship, chastity, generosity, courtesy, and piety; however, he must also endure a quest in which his virtues are tested. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, three obstacles challenge the hero Gawain’s morals, including the Green Knight, the seductress, andRead MoreAnalysis of Sir Gawain and the Green K night866 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†is the classic tale of a knight of the round table who takes up the challenge of the mysterious Green Knight. The poem begins with the Green Knight’s sudden arrival and his declaration of his proposition: a knight may strike him, and then a year and one day from then he will return the blow. This tale is most well-known for dealing with the themes of a knight’s code of chivalry, loyalty, resisting temptation, and keeping one’s word. While the whole poem is full ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1374 Words  | 6 PagesThe language of symbols plays a major role in medieval poetry â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†is no exception. The use of symbolism gives a writer the ability to draw important connections between items in their story and the audience. The poet behind â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†gives the reader a detailed description of the pentagram, his most important symbol, in order to form the key understanding of this poem. The narrator compares knightly ideals such as integrity, focus, and strength
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