Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Map the Research Design Used by Donatos for New Product...
Business Research Methods Case Analysis INTRODUCTION For this project youre going to read the Donatos: Finding the New Pizza (Attached) case and answer the discussion questions. Discussion questions: 1. Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. 2. Evaluate the Wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. 3. Evaluate the test marked Donatos used. What were its advantages and disadvantages? 4. What measurement scales would you have used on the survey that was part of the in-restaurant product tests? Writing Guidelines †¢ Read the assignment carefully and answer each question. †¢ Be specific. Limit your submission to the questions asked and issues†¦show more content†¦Do you use the No Carb or Low Carb banner as did many new food entries in the latter months of2003, or do you choose a name in keeping with your positioning? We toyed with almost 70 names. Some were clever, like NADA pizza, even Not-A-Pizza, and we put several through trademark search. Finally, we put three names to the test using a weekend omnibus phone survey. No Dough ® was the winner for clarity of message and understanding of the low-carb benefits. All this time Donatos was watching the calendar. By December 22 it was testing the new product in two stores in Columbus. Ads proclaiming the new No Dough ® pizza were featured in restaurant windows of the test stores. Starting January 2, we usually see a 25% increase in salad sales, described Krouse. Not surprising, given that for years losing weight has been one of Americans top-three New Years resolutions. And we wanted to own the idea of a crust-free pizza; we saw it as a significant marketing advantage. So a new product development process that routinely takes 12 to 14 months took just 61z months-to take advantage of what Donatos saw as a very important strategic window. On January 19, Donatos rolled its No Dough ® pizza into all its 184 stores. We like to think of ourselves as a smart speed organization, explained Krouse. We have the discipline to make fact-based decisions but move quickly. When you order a Donatos pizza, No Dough ® is one of three crustShow MoreRelatedMap the Research Design Used by Donatos for New Product Development1718 Words  | 7 PagesBusiness Research Methods Case Analysis INTRODUCTION For this project youre going to read the Donatos: Finding the New Pizza (Attached) case and answer the discussion questions. Discussion questions: 1. Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. 2. Evaluate the Wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. 3. Evaluate the test marked Donatos used. What were its advantages and disadvantages? 4. What measurementRead MoreDonatos Pizza Case Study622 Words  | 3 Pages1 Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. A: Idea development Developing the product prototype : Donato’s used employee taste testing to know what customers preferences are and develops the new product Taste testing(by employee) : Is done with the organisation Displaying Photographs of food products: Displaying sample pictures of the recent developed food Uniqueness: Developing a unique product which reaches the customers attention. Brand fit and priceRead MoreEssay about Donatos Pizza Case Study681 Words  | 3 Pages1 Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. Final Design Final Product specifications completed Final Design Final Product specifications completed Preliminary Testing Product prototypes built, tested and refined Preliminary Testing Product prototypes built, tested and refined Product Screening Product idea evaluated;Need to consider operations, marketing and financial requirements Product Screening Product idea evaluated;Need to consider operations, marketingRead MoreDonatos Pizza Case Study1272 Words  | 6 Pagesdetail the method for formulating the research question discussed in Chapter 5. Evaluate fully the wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. On our course website I posted a video clip of a Donatos commercial. Indicate the unique selling proposition communicated in the commercial and briefly mention your opinion regarding the effectiveness of the commercial. 100 word minimum Donato s Pizza uses the exploratory research to implement the stages of necessary
Sunday, December 15, 2019
“Enduring Love†How appropriate is the title of the novel Free Essays
At first glance, â€Å"Enduring Love†may seem a simple title for a novel, not one that invokes serious thought for the reader. Although we expect a story of love, we are presented with a much more complicated array of events revolving around three people, all with their own version of â€Å"Enduring Love†. Ultimately the story revolves around the somewhat content relationship between Joe Rose, an accomplished and well-respected science writer and his partner Clarissa Mellon, a Keats scholar and university lecturer that is until the intrusion by Jed Parry. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Enduring Love†: How appropriate is the title of the novel? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brought together by a ballooning accident, Joe and Jed momentarily exchange words, but this moment is the catalyst for a fixation by the younger man, Jed Parry, for the protagonist of the story, Joe Rose. Clarissa also witnesses the accident but she, like Joe, misses the moment that spawns the obsession, which rips their lives apart and in due course, breaks apart their relationship. There are two types of love themes running through this novel, one of obsession and one of pure love. The one of obsession is obviously the love Jed feels for Joe and the pure love is that of Clarissa and Joe. As Jed becomes more and more fixated on Joe, Joes relationship with Clarissa increasingly dwindles until the point where they call it a day and end their relationship. Early on in the novel Joe says â€Å"Lately I’d had the idea that Clarissa’s interest in these hypothetical letters [of Keats] had something to do with our own situation, and with her conviction that love that did not find its expression in a letter was not perfect. Every word of this comes true but not in a way Joe had first believed. The title and the events throughout the novel rouse questions on love itself, how to define love, the nature of love, obsession, sanity and insanity. It is very difficult to decipher between love and obsession. If we look at the love Jed feels for Joe, its zealous, crazy and passionate but we could also argue that the love between Joe and Clarissa is all of these things too. So, where do you draw the line? Enduring Love tells the story of a love that is endured and of a story that endures (Joe and Clarissa). It challenges what is defined as a normal relationship and a love that is pathological. We later find out that indeed Joe and Clarissa relationship did endure the intense strain and disturbing fascination of Jed Parry as they are later reunited and go on to adopt a child, so in this sense the title is very appropriate to the novel. There are also a number of other occurrences of love to be endured throughout the novel. There is the story of Jean Logan and her frustration and also obsession at her attempts to uncover her dead husbands secret affair. She turns to Joe for help to find this mystery woman who has caused her so much pain. In this modest sub plot of the novel, it is later proven that John Logan was in fact not having an affair, that is was all an innocent mistake. So all along Jean had been cursing her dead husband, whom she had loved so much. This is another love that needs to endure as Jean seeks forgiveness but she will never truly get that forgiveness as her only hope lies in a grave. Will their love be strong enough to endure this doubting on Jeans part, even if one partner is beyond the grave? It is important to note that seeing Jeans agony and grief over her dead husband, made Joe realise just how much he really loved Clarissa. Joe says, â€Å"It was urgent that I return to London and save our love†. He also realises â€Å"when it’s gone you’ll know what a gift love was†. A relationship that did not endure their love was that of Clarissa’s brother Luke and his wife. Joe calls Luke the â€Å"adulterous brother†and we learn that they are going through a divorce. After this meeting with her brother, Clarissa is evidently anxious as the first thing she says to Joe â€Å"I love you and I’ve had such a terrible evening with Luke. We discover that Luke is leaving his beautiful wife and two daughters for an actress whom he had met three months before. Clearly Luke is not prepared to give the commitment pure love requires and sees fit to go live in a room over a hairdressers, with this new woman. This relationship provides a stark contrast to Joe and Clarissa’s love as it highlights just how deeply in love Joe and Clarissa truly are. Now this new love shall be tested, will their love endure? Once again this is relevant to the title of the novel. The most explicable interpretation of the title of this novel would have to be of Joe enduring Jed’s pathological love. Jed Parry’s strange homo-erotic religious obsession with Joe in turn leads Joe to almost breaking point. So in this sense Joe is enduring Jed’s love, yet this love Jed feels for Joe will never end. We learn that from the appendices, Jed, whilst in a secure mental hospital still writes letters to Joe everyday. The letter we are shown demonstrates that Jed’s love is just as strong and passionate as ever. I believe that at the conclusion of the novel, Joe has indeed endured Jed’s love as he has survived the bombardment of phone calls, eccentric letters, incessant stalking, an assassination attempt and total intrusion of his private life. The style and techniques implored by Mc Ewan provide us with an engrossing, swift novel, and his unpredictable style further enhances the chilling factor that plays a part in this novel. His style can be deemed as moderately complicated, for example chapter nine when he narrates the chapter from Clarissa’s perspective, yet I believe his style is somewhat simple. Joe, being the average science writer not overly interesting or riveting, would initially have been a quite boring protagonist until the obsession begins, that is Joes obsession. In watching Joe become obsessed with being obsessed, whilst everyone else doubts him, this is where the entertainment lays. His techniques of writing make us truly question love and how much love a person can really endure. Jed is prepared to endure Joe’s love with his continuity of writing letters and constant thinking and obsessing over Joe. Yet Joe was not prepared to endure this love and in order to end it, he purchased a gun. Clarissa at first was not prepared to endure the love yet she had to endure both her love for Joe and Jed’s love for Joe. But we later find out Joe and Clarissa are reconciled. In conclusion, I believe the title â€Å"Enduring Love†is a very appropriate for this novel, not instantly recognisable as a great title but at the closing stages of the novel, it becomes vividly apparent just how satisfying it truly is. How to cite â€Å"Enduring Love†: How appropriate is the title of the novel?, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Case Study of Clipper Bay Tourism System
Question: Discuss about theTourism Systemfor Case Study of Clipper Bay. Answer: Introduction: Clipper Bay is a small place located at the tip of a peninsula. The economy of the town is based on the abundant supply from the marine life by the means of fishing and other related businesses. The town has a unique feature of the presence of limestone caves with numerous rocks forming pools inside. The land is unfertile and does not support any agriculture and thus, the economic activity remains confined within the tourism activity only (Phua, Berkowitz Gagermeier, 2012). The coastal roads and a highway built across the road presents an inland accessibility to reach the nearby hills. This facilitates the connection between the land, sea and the hills. In fact, recent approaches towards building better roads and communication networks will increase the opportunity of accessibility to different locations. The region also has its unique cuisine to offer to people visiting the place. The food items are basically confined to fish and other sea foods. The women folk are not only highly skilled in cooking but in weaving as well (Henderson, 2014). Each summer, people mark the time as the beginning of fishing season. This festival is characterised by the customary and heritage linked religious and cultural rituals accompanies by a one week long feast. These are some of the important features that can be regarded as important features to attract tourists to the region. The aim of the report is to develop the economy of the place in a sustainable manner by understanding the socio-cultural and the environmental elements of the region. The aim of the report is to find the best possible way to create an economic activity for the particular region on the budget give for the improvement of Clipper Bay. Suitable Economic Activity for Clipper Bay: In order to boost the economy of the region, tourism can be the best possible option for the particular region. In the view point of Fodness, (2016), tourism depends on a number of factors that influences the particular region. These factors include location of the place, climate of the region, availability of a number of resources like food and water. It can be said that Clipper Bay is an ideal region for tourism because some of the beneficial factors that support the tourism activities are available in the particular region. The region is populated with local people of the region who can act as good guide for the tourists (Hardy et al., 2014). In fact, the people of the region celebrate unique festivals that could be one more reason to attract tourist at that particular time. In addition to these facts, it has been found that the region has infertile soil that does not support any kind of vegetation or farming activity. Therefore, it is suggested that tourism activity is the best s uitable activity of this region. Sustainability Approach of Tourism: Idea of tourism is no longer confined to visiting places and enjoying the moment, but tourism has become an important means of evaluating places (Lee, 2013). Sustainability is one of the major approaches that have been gaining importance in shaping the economy of a region. Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place and creating a positive impact on the environment and the economy. Tourism activities have been greatly influenced by the sustainability approach of the environment. Therefore, any activity carried on keeping this perspective in mind will help to prosper the economy. Idea of developing ecotourism: Ecotourism can be developed at Clipper Bay. As stated by Edgell Sr, (2016), that ecological issues have been integrated in the tourism activities. Tourism related areas that are near nature have greater scope of developing ecotourism activities. As it has been observed that Clipper Bay is located at a confluence of sea and mountain, there is a great scope of developing ecotourism at Clipper Bay. Coastal and Mountain sustainable tourism: As pointed out by Waligo, Clarke Hawkins, (2013), coastal environment are often first to experience detrimental effect in the environment. Therefore, it is important to invest into tourism activities to make sustainable approach. Mountain tourism attracts many mountaineers. Places like Mount Everest in Nepal, Tibet are famous because of the presence of mountain there. Mountain tourism is the primary activity of these regions (Ta?nase et al., 2013). Comparative Advantage of the Place: Fletcher et al. (2013) stated that it is by the use of competitiveness and the availability of certain resources at a particular region, a level of competitive advantage becomes evident. Competitive advantage of tourism of a place depends on the availability of resources, quality of infrastructure and the ability of the place to deal with sustainability. Some factors that add comparative advantage to Clipper Bay can be discussed here: Availability of labour: It has been observed that the people at Clipper Bay are not engaged in any kind of other forms of economic activities. In fact, three generations of people are depended on the regular activities that are carried on in the region (Mason, 2015). Therefore, there is a good scope of the availability of labour for tourism activities at Clipper Bay. The tourism activity is definitely going to improve the local ob opportunity and economic condition of the people in the region. Easy access to the available resources: Basic resources required for attracting tourists makes the tourism activity easy for the particular place. As pointed out by Korstanje, (2014), that tourism is developed in those places where there is the availability of scenic beauty. Other resources like food or water are also available that would supply the necessary things to the visitors or tourists. The region has an abundant supply of marine products like fish and other sea food items that can meet the food expectation level of the people easily (Szytniewski, Spierings van der Velde, 2016). Availability of natural attractions: It is been found that Clipper Bay has the location where both sea and mountain are available. Therefore, the region can attract tourists of both the categories who like to visit the mountain or the sea (Board, 2013). These are the major attractive things that this place has this could be the best possible reason to gain comparative advantage over other regions. Economic Aspect of Tourism: Economic advantage of tourism activities: Tourism can bring great advantage to the economy of a region. Tourism gives job opportunities to the people of the place and thus, provides a significant generation of income to the economy of the country. In addition to this, tourism also increases the business activities of the local hotels, shops and restaurants as well. Henderson, (2014) pointed out that tourism gives an opportunity to the particular region to show itself and increase the profile of the particular place. Therefore, the place becomes evident globally that can attract more tourists to the particular region. Another important advantage of tourism has been pointed out by Board, (2014), that if the particular place is liked by the visitors, then it is seen that they praise about the place that automatically increases the popularity of the place and increases the tourism activity of the place. Economic disadvantage of tourism: Tourism activities also show a number of disadvantages as well. Te most common detrimental effect of tourism is the damage that is caused due to increased level of pollution. Ill behaves activities of tourists cause major damage to nature and the place. It might also result in damage of heritage and culture of the region. An important thing has been pointed out by Getz (2013), that tourism is mainly seasonal and does not support a constant flow of economy for the region. Sometimes, the money earned from the tourism activities is ultimately used to improve the situation for more tourists. Thus, there does not remain any kind of balance to be served for the benefits of the country or the region (Warnick, Bojanic Cartier, 2016). Again, the hotels and restaurants that are owned by foreign companies when benefitted do not add any kind of advantage to the economy of the country. Multiplier effect theory: According to the multiplier theory, with the injection of new demand in the circular flow of business activities, the economy of the particular places shows a multiplier effect. By the multiplier effect it means to create extra income. This income will perhaps boost the spending capability of an individual. Again, it has been pointed out that someones spending is actually the income of other (Webster Ivanov, 2014). Multiplier effect in open economy is higher. A part of the marginal propensity is usually deposited to the government as well. This concept is used in any situation where something new is injected in the industry (Dincer, Dincer Ustaoglu, 2015). It has been observed that a budget of $50 million has been provided for revitalization of the local economy at Clipper Bay. Therefore, it is expected that with the budget provided for the improvement of the locality, it shall bring prosperity to the place. Another important point can be mentioned here that the place does not depend on any particular season or time and thus, it opens the opportunity for tourism throughout the entire year of time. Therefore, there is a great opportunity of regular flow of income that will ultimately help in prosperity of the economy of the place. Balance of payment: Balance of payment is the record of the economic transaction between the residents of the country and rest of the world. As stated by Jules-Rosette, (2013), these transactions are made by individuals, business firms or government bodies. Balance of payment actually provides detailed information of the demand and supply of the currency of the particular country. It is expected that if the complete tourism activity is carried on keeping the needs and the demands of the people, there is a good return of the payment (Boley, Magnini Tuten, 2013). It can be estimated that at least the return of the balance will be double of the investment. Advantage of increased employment: With the increasing aspect of the tourism activities at the particular region of Clipper Bay, it can be assumed that the existing people will participate in the tourism activities that will automatically increase the employment opportunity of the people in that region. With the increase in the employment opportunity, there will be increase in the GDP of the country. Another important factor has been pointed out by Warnick, Bojanic and Cartier, (2016), that when people from other countries having greater denomination value spends in countries that does not have higher value of money, then the host country gets benefitted from the value of money. Therefore, if people spend in dollars and euros then the value of return automatically increases by many folds (Getz, 2013). Impact of FDI and entrepreneurship: There should be the scope and opportunity for foreign direct investment into the tourism activity at the Clipper Bay. When a certain amount of investment is allocated to the particular region for further improvement in the activity, there lays greater possibility of betterment in the situation. In fact, there are many cases when major business men take the opportunity of carrying out entrepreneurship by considering tourism as a means of business activity (Dincer, Dincer Ustaoglu, 2015). Therefore, it can be said that some part of the tourism activities can be considered as a part of entrepreneurship. This way, in order to increase the profitability of the business, the business person will focus on the business and the process will be conducted in a more profitable manner. Analysis of Socio-Cultural Aspect of Tourism: Advantage and disadvantage of socio-cultural aspect of tourism: As opined by Ta?nase et al. (2013), that at times tourism activities turn the local culture into commoditisation that results in reconstruction of ethnicity of the region. It has been observed that Clipper Bay has a group of ethnic people who have their own identity. In case, if the region is turned into a tourism spot, there is a great possibility that the region will lost its relevance. Preservation of heritage: Sustainability approach of tourism also requires preservation of the heritage. It is important to preserve the heritage of the place by taking care of the monuments and other things that are available in the particular region (Fletcher et al., 2013). Generation of interest in local art and craft: There are no such evidences of local art and craft in the region of Clipper Bay. The region is has a good infrastructure of natural beauty that can attract tourists to this place. Cross-cultural impact: It has been observed that the region is populated with people belonging to cross culture. This factor promotes diversity in the region and attracts more tourists from different parts of the world (Szytniewski, Spierings van der Velde, 2016). Therefore, there is a better chance of better tourism activities in the region. Cross cultural impact as attracted man tourists from many regions of the world. Singapore is a place of tourist hub where tourists from different parts of the world like China, India, US and other European countries as well (Warnick, Bojanic and Cartier, 2016). Therefore, there is a better opportunity for the Clipper Bay to attract more tourists. Demonstration effect: An individuals effect on behaviour that is caused by the action and observation of the behaviour of an individual. When a person goes for tourism, the person experiences a number of activities (Ta?nase et al., 2013). These effects often result in the demonstration of various factors of that region. These factors might include the governmental policies or other success or failure of the place. Conclusion: It has been observed that ecotourism can stimulate economic development and social welfare of the citizens as well as the region. In order to develop a community based tourism, local employment and diversification of the economic activities of the people in the region is needed. Again, with the involvement of FDI and entrepreneurship the scope of tourism can be increased. It has been observed that the place has a natural beauty of both sea and mountain. Therefore, the region can attract more number of people. The multiplier effect of tourism has showed evidence that the investment made on the tourism activities on the Clipper Bay is sure to multiply its income and increase the profitability of the region. It has been suggested that the tourism activity should follow the sustainability of environment and the region. It is very important to preserve the nature and the natural resources that are available at the place. Profitability should not be the only means of tourism but there should be some aspect of keeping the environment safe. There are a number of comparative advantages that the region has that is helpful for creating a better environment for the purpose of tourism. It now depends on the people of the place to take advantage of the available resources and improve the tourism activities of the place. Reference List: Board, S. T. (2013). Annual report on tourism statistics 2012. Board, S. T. (2014). International Visitor Arrivals Statistics. Boley, B. B., Magnini, V. P., Tuten, T. L. (2013). Social media picture posting and souvenir purchasing behavior: Some initial findings.Tourism Management,37, 27-30. Dincer, M. Z., Dincer, F. I., Ustaoglu, M. (2015). Reel Effective Exchange Rate Volatilities Impact on Tourism Sector in Turkey: An Empirical Analysis of 2003-2014.Procedia Economics and Finance,23, 1000-1008. Edgell Sr, D. L. (2016).Managing sustainable tourism: a legacy for the future. Routledge. Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D., Wanhill, S. (2013).Tourism: principles and practice. Pearson Higher Ed. 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